Xtranormal Movie

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What I learned today at school...

  • Just because you think you have pushed really hard on the RAM, video, and NIC cards, you probably haven't pushed hard enough.
  • Vista and Windows 7 do not have telnet turned on by default. In order to communicate with the switch, this needs to be turned on first.

Adding layer 3 functionality to the switch (in Lyle's words because he said it best)

vlan 2 (This creates a new vlan - vlan 2)
ip interface vlan-2 address x.x.x.x mask vlan 2 (The x.x.x.x IP address will be assigned to you and will be the ip address for port 1 on the switch)
ip static-route mask gateway x.x.x.x (The x.x.x.x IP address here will be the next hop that packets will be forwarded to if they are undeliverable on the local switch)
vlan 2 port default 8/1 (This sets up the vlan 2 networking port to be on slot 8 port 1 on the switch and starts forwarding packets)

Other commands to remember:
  • show vlan
  • show ip interface

Websites for instructions on installing Win Server 2008:

Microsoft Corporation. (2008). Installing Windows Server 2008. Retrieved from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc755116%28WS.10%29.aspx

Petri IT Knowledgebase. (2011) How to install Windows Server 2008 step by step. Retrieved from http://www.petri.co.il/how-to-install-windows-server-2008-step-by-step.htm

Warren, S. (2007). How do I... Install and configure Windows Server 2008 core? Retrieved from http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/howdoi/how-do-i-install-and-configure-windows-server-2008-core/176


It appears that installing the Server software is just like installing any other piece of software. It was a lot easier with Lyle to tell us what the settings should be. But what if you don’t know the settings?

I liked the web pages that included screen shots. These are much easier to follow than the Microsoft page, but it has more detailed information. I realize that that site is designed to be very technical, but would it have killed them to make it a bit more user friendly? (That’s a rhetorical question – we all know about Microsoft….)

“Things I did not know…” department

Pressing F12 forces the computer to boot from the DVD drive. Does this work for all machines, or just Dell? (I guess I don’t totally know, yet.)

Overall, things went pretty smoothly for us today. The nice thing about using a GUI is that many things have a standard way of functioning, for example entering data into a field instead of having to use a command prompt function. We lucked out in that our computers worked really well with the network, which made life much easier than previous days.

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