I have worked a bit in the user profile settings on our school server, although it has been a couple of years. I remember the %username% command and entering the pathway (although I usually just copied and pasted), but for some reason it took a long time to come back to me. Maybe I'm suffering from configuration overload.
The steps to set up the Folder Redirect gpo are:
- Go to Administrative Tools -> Group policies
- Create a new GPO at the desired level
- Give it a descriptive name
- Right click -> edit
- The settings are in User Configuration -> Policies -> Windows Settings -> Folder Redirection -> Documents
- Right click on Documents
- Select Properties
- Under the Target tab – select ‘Basic (Redirect everyone’s folder to the same location)
- Pathway – enter \\servername\sharefolder\%username%\
- We had issues with this – Lyle believes that it could be the space in our share folder name
- Make sure to ENFORCE this policy!!
- Under Options
- Disable everything except for (the first selection for Policy Removal Behavior needs to be selected)
We also activated a gpo to standardize Start menu -> All Program items.
- Created a folder (named Start Menu) on the C drive and modified the Sharing and Security for it – make sure that ‘everyone’ has rights to the folder
- We then created short cuts for various programs and placed them in the folder
- Then we created a GPO which we called Desktop Startup gtrw [Rocky's words]
- It is a specific gpo that I could find if I had access to a server from my home, but I believe it is in the Windows settings.
Before setting up a printer, we needed to turn on the Print Server role. We set up our printer on the server just the same as normal, except for the following (Rocky's words):
- Choose the ‘Local Printer Option’
- Select ‘Create a new port’
- Select ‘Standard TCP/IP’
- Select Next
- Enter the static IP for the printer – in this case
· We then had to ‘push’ the printer out to the clients by doing the following:
- Administrative Tools
- Manage Policy
- Select our folder
- Provide a name for the new GPO – Printers gtrw
- We then ‘exited’ of the Policy role
· Next, we accessed the Administrative Tools
- Here, we selected ‘Print Management’
- Toward the bottom – when we selected ‘Deploy Printers’, there was nothing in the dialogue box.
- The printer we wanted (Xerox) was in the next item ‘Print Server’
- We right clicked on the printer and selected “Deploy with Group Policy”
- At the next window ‘ Group Policy Object’, we selected ‘Browse’
- We then went into the container for Printer and double clicked on the “5769network”
- This brought up a listing from which we choose “Printers Gail Rocky”
- We then checked ‘Apply to: GPO”
- This cause the info from the Print Server to be move to the Deploy Printers section
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